Tailor-made management system/digital
empowerment of intelligent manufacturing

Help enterprises realize digital and intelligent transformation, and make management easier!

Technical advantages
Operational advantage
Architectural Advantage
Operation and maintenance advantages

Warehouse Management System

Combined with barcode/mobile device/kanban, realize digital management such as inbound and outbound + inventory + quality inspection + storage location + early warning Help enterprises to quickly build digital warehouse management!

System advantage
Barcode the whole process
Support PDA for barcode management of products
Support multi-warehouse multi-consignor management,
and unified management of data information
Seamless data connection with mainstream
ERP, MES, SRM and other systems
Smart Batch
The system records the batch information and storage
location of materials or products
Automatically recommend locations according to FIFO
or specified batches
Realize the association with the work order and realize
the traceability of the materials used for the product
Refinement location
Electronic location map can be set according to
the floor plan of the warehouse
Two-dimensional or three-dimensional storage
location map and information query can be set
Shelf location recommendation, picking location
recommendation, visual location management
Refinement performance
The system automatically records the
performance of warehouse workers
Kanban displays picking task status, job
errors and job performance, etc.
Staff motivation can be greatly improved
through ranking and piece rate wages
Customer case